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Monthly Archives: September 2014

| Ayahuasca | Healing Traditions |

Ayahuasca: Is it a Cure for all Disease?


An important and provocative topic when discussing Ayahuasca is the common misconception that it has the miraculous ability to cure all disease. Investigative journalist Peter Gorman addresses in this informative blog article, that asking if ayahuasca offers a permanent cure to AIDS, Cancer and other serious disease, is simply the wrong question:   “I think…

| Healing Traditions |

Nature’s Pharmacy


“We have many medicinal plants for basically all diverse applications and uses… Illnesses that modern science can’t cure, the understanding of the cure exists in the healers and herbalists.” – Shipibo Maestro Juan Agustin Fernandez   For people worldwide, there was a time when all the cures and medicines needed to heal and prevent illness…

| Ayahuasca | Healing Traditions | Nature Connection |

Shipibo Healing Traditions


  In recent decades, there has been a shift in the modern world to seek out more holistic forms of health and healing. This has lead to an increasing interest in age-old systems of medicine from cultures around the planet that address not only the physical symptoms of an illness, but the underlying physiological, psychological,…